With a video on social media Dele Alli causes a scandal in England. In the clip he obviously makes fun of the victims of the coronavirus.
Dele Alli has caused a real scandal in England.
The star of the Tottenham Hotspur already sent his friends several videos last Thursday via the social media app Snapchat, in which he apparently makes fun of the coronavirus which is currently circulating mainly in Asia.
In the clip, recorded at London airport, Alli first filmed himself wearing a face mask and subtitled the whole thing with the words “Corona was, please listen to it with sound”. The 23-year-old then zoomed in on an Asian man also waiting at the airport before he switched to a bottle of disinfectant.
He wrote: “This virus cannon must be faster to catch me.”
Alli apologises
The video published by the Daily Star caused great indignation in England, quite a few even spoke of racism. Recently, a shocking incident occurred in Sheffield when a Chinese student was pushed and insulted for wearing a face mask.
Meanwhile, lli himself apologised for his derailment and showed remorse. “I regret having posted the video in Snapchat and I removed it immediately when I realized it might be offensive. This was never my intention. I would like to sincerely apologise to everyone who felt offended,” the international said.
By Monday, more than 40,000 people in China alone were infected with the newly appeared virus, 908 of whom died. Outside mainland China, more than 300 cases have been confirmed in the rest of the world, 14 of them in Germany.