Marcus Rashford is causing a stir through his commitment to social justice. Now the US rapper Jay-Z wants to make the ManUnited striker a world
star. Marcus Rashford has caused a stir with his appearance outside the football field. The star of Manchester United is socially engaged.
He is committed to ensuring that there are still vouchers and free food for children from poor families in England even during the summer holidays and despite around 32,000 schools currently closed.
The striker himself was dependent on it as a child and so he ensured that around 22 million euros came together for the program. The government extended the aid programme. A superstar in the USA also likes the worldwide attention: Jay-Z. The rapper has already signed Rashford in the summer and wants to make
the footballer a world star. The Sun reported that now. Jay-Z founded the management agency Roc Nation a few years ago and recruited the striker. Apparently, his
lawyers have applied for the protection of the star’s name and image rights. For this there was now permission from the courts. Lawyers protect Rashford’s name!
Products such as clothing, toiletries and games can now be distributed and marketed in the US with its name.