Premier League

The horror evening of David Luiz

by: Kevin S


David Luiz played a major role in the bankruptcy of FC Arsenal near Manchester City. Afterwards he justifies his achievement with his uncertain future.

The restart in the Premier League could not have gone worse for David Luiz.

The Arsenal defender was initially on the bench in the 3-0 Manchester City defeat, but was forced to give way to Shkodran Mustafi and Pablo Mari in central defence. When the Spaniard injured himself after 25 minutes, Luiz came into action early and the drama took its course.

The 33-year-old was largely responsible for Raheem Sterling’s 1-0 win just before half-time (45.+2) after a failed ball acceptance, and brought down Riyad Mahrez after a lost run in the penalty area.

Kevin De Bruyne put ManCity 2-0 (51st), and to top it all off, Luiz saw the red card because of an emergency brake in the action.

David Luiz explains faulty performance
In spite of the horror evening, the experienced man faced the media afterwards.

“It wasn’t the team’s fault, it was my fault. The coach is incredible, all the players made it incredible, it was just my fault,” the Brazilian told Sky Sports, only to add: “I should have made a different decision in the last two months. I didn’t do that, it was just about my contract.”

Luiz has been in contract negotiations with the Gunners for months, his contract expires at the end of June.

“To make another decision is to decide my future as soon as possible. But that’s not what I did. I’m not gonna use that as an excuse, it was my fault and that’s that. I love being here, that’s why I keep training hard and that’s why I came here today. Nobody told me to speak, I want to show my face. I want to stay. Coach knows that and wants me to stay, so we’re waiting for the decision.”

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