
Piszczek does not want a BVB farewell game

by: EmmaE


Dortmund’s veteran Lukasz Piszczek is dreading a farewell game at BVB. He also talks about the more difficult way of dealing with young players.

Polish defender Lukasz Piszczek has long been one of Dortmund’s legends.

He has been playing for Dortmund’s Borussia for ten years now, but he does not want a farewell game in the BVB jersey.

“There are two hearts beating in my chest. Such games are nice – only I don’t like being the center of attention. My farewell from the national team last year was very emotional, but that’s enough. I don’t necessarily have to have it a second time,” said the 35-year-old in the kicker.

Piszczek: “Young players are easily pissed off
But a farewell is not yet imminent, after all Piszczek had only recently extended his contract by another year to 2021. Above all his abilities as a resting place are highly appreciated.

Piszczek explained: “On the pitch, I can be angry and react accordingly. But in the cabin? No. You can also influence the team with a calm aura.”

Especially when dealing with young players this is an important characteristic, they are too quick to snap from the point of view of the experienced player. “In my day, Sebastian Kehl was captain. What he said was done. It was the law,” said the 35-year-old. “Today you have to find another way: Young players get angry easily if you criticize them.”

Piszczek himself has been associated with top clubs in the past, including Real Madrid. “There were always rumours that Real was interested in me. There was never any direct contact. Maybe BVB blocked it back then to prevent me from leaving,” he said with a wink.

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