Munich – Before FC Bayern’s game against Augsburg, Bibiana Steinhaus pointed seven fingers into the TV camera. What did the referee’s gesture mean?
Bibiana Steinhaus raised question marks with a hand signal in FC Bayern’s 2-0 win against FC Augsburg.
During the toss of the ballot, the main referee pointed seven fingers into the TV camera. After the game, the 40-year-old revealed what was behind the gesture.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8, she wanted to send a special greeting to the female members of the German Soccer Association (DFB) with this gesture.
“Every seventh member of the DFB is female. This means that, with 1.1 million women and girls in soccer, we are one thing above all: indispensable”, was often read in posts with the campaign hashtag #Jede7te.
The Twitter account of the DFB Women’s Football Association immediately thanked Steinhaus. “Cool sock! Thanks for your commitment, Bibi”, was the tweet.