Premier League

Pogba does not fit Liverpool’s success

by: MaximilianK


Munich – Liverpool FC will probably not be able to escape the Premier League championship. Paul Pogba doesn’t like that, but he also has respect for the Reds.

In the Premier League, the big rivals Manchester United and Liverpool FC are worlds apart at the moment.

The Reds are an unassailable leader, with 38 points more to their credit than the fifth-placed Red Devils. United star Paul Pogba is well aware of Liverpool’s strength, although he does not like it at all.

Pogba: “Doesn’t want Liverpool to win the title”
“You’re so far ahead of everyone else,” the Frenchman told ESPN. “They haven’t lost a single league game this season. They already have one hand on the Premier League trophy. They’re even better than last season and that’s when they won the Champions League.”

It doesn’t seem to fit Pogba that the Reds are unstoppable. “As a Manchester United player, with the rivalry between us, I don’t want them to win the title.”

But the midfielder also has a lot of respect for coach Jürgen Klopp’s team: “Of course we don’t want any other team to win than us, but as someone who loves football and has respect for the other teams, I have to say that they deserve to be where they are.”

Pogba himself hasn’t been able to stand for United on the pitch since late December. The 26-year-old is suffering from ankle problems.

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